
Call us toll free: 1300 426 438

90% of orders dispatched same day

About us

Print Geek Group is well known as an industry leader in many fields of the printing and supply network.
After supplying many customers with print solutions, we are aware for many small businesses that they cant afford all print solutions. Dropship Print provides quality items dispatched quickly for the fulfilment of orders system.

Print Geek Group takes form

Our journey began in 2017

Print Geek Group is always looking to improve the Printing industry and availability of solutions for SMB in Australia.

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Our never ending journey

Designed to be versatile

We will continue to learn and grow on a daily basis, providing solutions for the hustlers and hard workers looking to make a change in the Australian marketplace.

Teamwork and collaboration

We’re just getting started

With assistance and support from many industry leaders in Australia we will continue to grow and work on providing solutions for designers and store owners. 

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Our incredible team are here for you

Chris Symes

Company Director
"We look to provide solutions for the small to medium businesses out there working hard to make a living and a brighter future for their families."

Tim Schmidt

General Manager
"We always look to improve our solutions and processes to make it an easier process for our customers both large and small."

Jade Dixon

Production Manager
"Quality products is our aim and making sure that they are dispatched in a quick time frame."

Josette Camancho

Customer Support
"Business gets noisy, I look to assist everyone to make the process easier for them."
Huge Range of Products

Hundreds of items available

Quick Fulfillment

90% of orders dispatched same day

Members Only

Designed for the Trade User

100% Secure Checkout

PayPal / MasterCard / Visa

Crop Image

Seraphinite AcceleratorOptimized by Seraphinite Accelerator
Turns on site high speed to be attractive for people and search engines.